August 2021 Newsletter

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Aeration & Over-seeding time is almost here!

Along with enjoying the last days of Summer and families getting ourselves ready for the “back to school” days, Blue Sky Landscaping is getting geared up for the upcoming aeration and over-seeding season.

Blue Sky Landscaping can step in and offer a solution for the care of your lawn so it doesn’t lose that green glow. Aeration and over-seeding go hand in hand, one helps the other for a better looking, healthier lawn; mid-August to mid-November is prime time for lawn growth.

What is aeration anyway? Aeration is when we open up the soil by using a machine to make plugs in it.

This helps your lawn by oxygenating the soil, allowing water and fertilizer to get down to the roots and help to increase turf thickness.

After aeration, over-seeding comes into play. After aerating the turf, we over-seed your lawn which will allow the grass to thicken. The turf will have a greater drought and disease resistance, plus the color of the grass will be richer; which does not sound like a bad deal at all.

If you still find yourselves with questions about aeration and over-seeding, take a look below.

back to school

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Fun facts about Hosta’s?

Hosta’s symbolize friendship and devotion Hosta’s come in different sizes starting from 12 inches to 5 feet across.

Hosta’s love the shade! Hosta’s have leaves of all shapes and colors.

Flower of the Month


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August's Pick : Hosta


The heat has arrived and looks like it’s going to stay awhile. Your grass and plants need to be watered on a regular schedule in order to stay green and healthy looking.

DO YOU NEED your system adjusted or repaired?

Please give us a call to schedule service.

BACKFLOW TESTING – Loudoun & Fairfax Counties only. We are now licensed to do your backflow testing in both Loudoun and Fairfax counties. Please give us a call to be scheduled.

Sprinkler water

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Mosquito Prime Time

Is your backyard swarming with mosquitos?

Getting tired of being feasted on when you’re sitting outside on your gorgeous patio?

Are you slathering your skin in bug repellent every time you step outside of your home?

Give us a call; we’ll come, spray ’em away with our mosquito program.

Mosquito Picture

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Northern VA plant/turf diseases everyone should watch out for

Sooty Mold

What you see here on the right is called sooty mold. A kind of mold that grows on the secretion (with is like a clear sticky goo) that most pests leave behind. Those pests cover that leaves of your holly with that goo and the sooty mold spore lands on that secretion and starts to reproduce. What are the symptoms? As you can see, all leafage is covered by black soot. And how does this mold get exterminated? You get rid of the pest that started the mess in the first place.

Sooty Mold

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The canker disease is a common and widespread disease to a wide range of trees and shrubs. That being said, it is quit destructive. This disease is often associated with an open “wound” on the trunk of the tree/shrub. This can be a crack on the trunk or a hole left after a beetle. That wound is infected by a fungal and it kills branches or weaken the plant structurally until the area that is infected breaks free often cause by a storm. Canker is a very difficult disease to control and in order to eliminate it we have to prune the diseased parts. If the infection occurs on branches or twigs, we just remove the infected parts several inches behind the infection. And pruning tools should be sterilized between cuts, to avoid spread.


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The canker disease is a common and widespread disease to a wide range of trees and shrubs. That being said, it is quit destructive. This dise

Red Thread – Pink Patch

This is one of the most common lawn diseases around and it becomes very visible in the summer because of the humidity, wetness and heat. When conditions are right for it, it looks like pink blotches killing the grass leaves and will last well into fall. Sometimes people make the mistake of thinking that the lawn might be suffering from drought conditions. We have to make sure we diagnose the problem before we do anything drastic. The good news in all this? Pink Patch doesn’t really cause that much damage like other fungal diseases. How to get your grass to bounce back? Apply SUMMER fertilizer. This will lead into putting some much needed nitrogen back into the soil and will assist with grass growth. Then water, wait and apply fungicide.

ase is often associated with an open “wound” on the trunk of the tree/shrub. This can be a crack on the trunk or a hole left after a beetle. That wound is infected by a fungal and it kills branches or weaken the plant structurally until the area that is infected breaks free often cause by a storm. Canker is a very difficult disease to control and in order to eliminate it we have to prune the diseased parts. If the infection occurs on branches or twigs, we just remove the infected parts several inches behind the infection. And pruning tools should be sterilized between cuts, to avoid spread.

Red Thread

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Pythium Blight

Appears patches of blighted grass during during wet periods. In the early stages of this disease, the grass appears water soaked, slimy and a little darker than their norm. As the disease progresses the leaves shrivel and patches go from green to brown. Sometimes, it almost looks like a spider web is on it. Pythium appears when dew remains on the grass for 14 hours or more. Also, Pythium blight does not only occur on turf but flowers and other plants as well. It is very hard to cure so we advise to try and prevent. If the soil is consistently wet, the disease will not go away

Pythium Blight

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Mulching Done Right


Do You Have A Soggy Yard?

Did you know water pooling in your yard can destroy the roots of your grass and plants? When soil does not drain properly, several problems surface. Erosion, puddles, and pests are the main problem that can cause your yard to look less than perfect. Don’t know how to start? We can help! Give us a call or send us a message!

We offer multiple drainage solutions to fit your unique needs!

  • French Drains
  • Pipe Drains
  • Infiltration Trenches
  • Rain Gardens
  • Dry Wells
  • Erosion Control (Conservation-Native Planting)
Dry Creek Linear Pipe Drain Infiltration Trench

Landscape Lighting

  • Transformation at Dusk
  • #LightitUp – Complete Lighting Packages starting at only $2,900, installed.
outdoor lighting

Cleanup and Mulching

Blue Sky Landscaping Spring cleanup and mulch

Irrigation Turn-on

Blue Sky Landscaping Irrigation

Stump Grinding

stump grinding